Daily Activity

Tuesday 14 August 2018

Assalamu Alaikum Wr.Wb

         Hi guys, I'll see you again on the blog, I will come back again, I'll tell you about my activities today. The beginning of my activities today is to move pastry equipment to class, because the pastry room was renovated, we were assisted by semester 1 to move all the pastry equipment. After all the equipment was moved we all continued our practice.

         Chef Salam showings  how to make sponge cake, because yesterday many groups failed to make a good sponge cake. After the greeting chef finished showing, we returned to make sponge cake in the manner of the chef salam teachings. After the sponge cake is finished, the sponge cake is better than yesterday. we also continued our practice, which was to sponge cake that we made yesterday.

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