Daily Activity

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Assalamu Alaikum Wr.Wb
Today is my group tasked to prepare bread corner for Thursday, therefore my group first discussed to share the tasks we will do today. OK, first I will introduce my group friends here, there are Sis Agung, Ria, Yuli, Gasa and Ion.

We also did the assignments that we will prepare. I was in charge of making filling for dannis namely apple strudel, preparing sandwich ingredients for filling in fuff and after all that was done, I tried to help my group friends.

That day, we have a lot of work to do as well as other groups so that what we do is quite messy, some of the products that we are working on are not good enough and lacking for our time, making our Boss less friendly to us. A disadvantaged day.

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