Daily Activity

Thursday, August 30 2018

Assalamu Alaikum Wr.Wb

        Today we are late to enter the kitchen which should come in at 8:00 today we enter at 11:00 because there is something we have to fix. So because yesterday there were a few obstacles, Bread Corner was moved on Friday. The day we improved the product we made yesterday as well as other groups.

        I repaired the product that I worked with with my group and proceeded with arranging the bread corner for the rector lounge and we went home at 10:00. Then it was continued tomorrow exactly on Friday my group arrived at the kitchen at 5:00 to continue the set up bread corner. We are very happy to be able to serve food for the lecturers, I think they are quite satisfied with the food we serve.

Plain Croissant
Almond Croissant
Creamy Romaine
French Butterfly
Strawberry Muffin
Abon Bread 
Kue lapis
Coffe and Tea
Infuse Water

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