Daily Activity

Wednesday, August 15 2018

Assalamu Alaikum Wr.Wb

      Hi guys, I'll see you again on the blog, I will come back again, I'll tell you about my activities today. The beginning of my activity today is, Mr. Ichal showing turning sourdough into leaving by adding one tablespoon of sourdough plus, 75 grams of flour and 75 grams of water, then stirring until well blended. Then the container is wrapped in plastic wrap and allowed to stand for 12 hours.

      The Sourdough mixture will be continued tomorrow to make bread. Then I continued decorating the sponge cake I made yesterday. I decorate sponge cake using whipped cream, chocolate garnish, edible flower and red cherry. I was helped by Chef Salam to decorate the sponge cake.

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